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Ecuador Blogs Worth Reading in 2020

Last Updated: 9th June 2020
Written by Jason Scott
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Finding updated, quality information on traveling and living in Ecuador can be like bobbing for apples - after many searches you might get lucky & find a winner. 

So, I've compiled the following shortlist of Ecuador blogs and resources that you can use as a starting off point. Each of these resources has been helpful to me throughout my journey of living in Ecuador. 

Our blog (ExpatsEcuador.com) covers practical information on living and traveling in Ecuador. It's based on topics we feel are missing (ie expat family life), under-reported or we are simply passionate about and want to share.

You may find some information cross-over between the different resources (including our blog), which is completely okay. Hopefully you'll leave with multiple points of view to digest. 

Ecuador travel blogs

Traveling through Ecuador and need a few tips? Great. Here's some travel blogs you should consider:

Not Your Average American

This travel blog is focused on Ecuador, but also includes content on neighboring countries like Peru and Colombia.

We like Not Your Average American because the content is detailed, making it very helpful.

In fact, there's been instances where I've spent time researching topics, only to find Angie's already written about it. For any other blog this wouldn't matter as there's normally a lot of improvements that can be made to provide additional value.

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But, Angie's articles can be so comprehensive that I don't feel the need to cover the topic as there's few improvements to be made. Case in point is Angie's article on handmade makanas near Cuenca. I visited the same lovely shop, took all the same photographs, but haven't written about it because Angie's attention to detail is superb. 

Along Dusty Roads

Ecuador is just one of the numerous countries included in this extensive travel blog. We like that the content is authentic, detailed and includes lush photography. 

The most helpful articles to us have been the hiking guides, like this one on hiking the Quilotoa Loop. They cover the basics with enough detail to give you the confidence to plan the trek, but you'll still need to be ready to improvise a little as the content is a few years old - such is the curse of any travel blog.

Nomadic Matt

The layout and readability of Nomadic Matt makes it an easy read for first time visitors to most countries. His section on Ecuador is no exception. 

We like that it allows visitors to digest the basics of Ecuador quickly. But, as his name suggests, his nomadic lifestyle prohibits him devoting a lot of time to each location. This can limit the depth of information available.

Ecuador Expat Blogs

More interested in what life looks like for expats in Ecuador? The following resources have provided us with useful, practical, first hand information:

Amelia & JP

Amelia & JP's vlog on YouTube (free) and Patreon (paid) covers many topics relevant for current or aspiring expats in Ecuador. The video format works great for capturing the visual nuances that can be difficult for text based blogs.

A lot of their content is Cuenca related, but they moved to Olon in 2020. This is great as it gives you the opportunity to experience two very different expat living environments - mountains and beach.

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Cuenca High Life

Cuenca High Life is an expat-friendly Ecuador news site with a focus on issues related to Cuenca. 

Editorial content is provided by contributors, so non-news topics will be skewed towards the most active contributors. In 2020, the most prolific contributor has been Susan Burke March, who uses her background in nutrition to focus on topics related to food, nutrition and health.

We like that this blog does the heavy lifting of aggregating stories relevant to expats and publishes them in English. However, I don't see them as a replacement for national news sites like El Comercio

Gringos Abroad

Gringos Abroad is a large travel and expat site focusing on Ecuador.

We've gotten the most value from their earlier articles like this 2013 one that covers expat issues. This 'boots on the ground' content helped me when I was researching Cuenca as a possible city to live in. 

The owners, Bryan and Dena, left Ecuador in 2015. This has made it difficult for them to provide updated travel and expat information. They've since focused on more general topics related to animal facts etc.

So, we still think their content is useful, but it won't be the most recent and you may need to find a more updated source for specifics.

International Living

Honestly, I'm a little apprehensive to include International Living because they have a reputation for over-selling their destinations. 

But, I've included it as some of their information on Ecuador was helpful for me as a starting point.

Just know that they have a vested interest in showing their destinations in the best light possible. So be weary of any claims that you cannot otherwise substantiate or polls only designed to grab headines like 'Cuenca is the best city in world to retire' etc. 

Ecuador Forums

Ecuador Expats Facebook Group

The most useful forum for Ecuador's daily events is the Ecuador Expats Facebook group (not related to this site). It's a private group so you'll need to request membership. 

I like this group because it has many engaged members and the main admin, David Sasaki, provides random snippets about Ecuador and translates relevant news articles. 

There are other FB groups that are more relevant for each city that you should also join, but this is certainly the most useful at the national level. 


Gringopost is more of a traditional public forum where you can post messages and classifieds. I've used it in the past for checking out some Cuenca-based real estate or items for sale. 

I will admit I am using Facebook Marketplace more and more for these types of activities, but Gringopost still provides value if I'm looking for something that might be more expat-friendly.

Wrapping up

I've enjoyed pulling together this post. It's taken me longer than expected because I've been sidetracked by discovering new posts from the above resources.

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Have I missed your favorite Ecuador blog or resource? Please tell me why it should be included in the comments below or contact us



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