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Sweet &Coffee - Ecuador's Starbucks

Last Updated: 1st February 2020
Written by Jason Scott
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If you've spent anytime in Quito or Guayaquil, you've come across Ecuador's chain of coffee shops, Sweet & Coffee. The chain currently has over 100 stores nationwide and has a Starbucks feel to it, even the colors have a passing resemblance. However, the pastries have kept to their roots with local treats like torta de choclo. 

Sweet & Coffee - Pastries

Sweet & Coffee in Quito

There's approx 27 Sweet & Coffee outlets in Quito. This is where I had my first coffee of theirs; it was in Mall el Jardín and I wondered if there were any more of these in town. Little did I know how popular they were. 

Sweet & Coffee in Guayaquil

With 48 locations in Guayaquil, you can barely walk a few blocks without coming across a Sweet and Coffee. This is where I'm writing this article. Michelle and I are on our way to Galapagos and have stopped over in Guayaquil for a night. 

All Locations

The map below shows the current locations of Sweet & Coffee throughout Ecuador:

Sweet & Coffee Menu


This is my main reason for coming here. The coffee is good, predictable and cheap. A regular latte will cost around $2, which is pretty good value compared to some other coffee chains such as Juan Valdez. A summary of some of their coffee offerings are below:

Hot CoffeesPrice (Regular)Price (Large)
Americano with milk$1.60$2.00
Hot coffee prices at Sweet & Coffee
Cold CoffeesPrice (Regular)Price (Large)
Latte Frio$2.30$2.90
Flavored Cold Latte$2.75$3.00
Iced Coffee$1.75$2.00
Cold coffee prices at Sweet & Coffee
Sweet & Coffee - Latte
A large latte from Sweet & Coffee ($2.65)


They have a variety of tasty sweet and salty food options such as carrot cakes, three milk cakes, chochlo cake, coconut cheese cake. They range in price starting at $2.00 up to $4.00. You can also buy whole cakes for $15 (carrot cake), with most cakes around the $20-$25 range. 

Sweet & Coffee - Guayaquil
Sweet & Coffee - Guayaquil

Founder History - Richard Peet

I am a sucker for founder stories as I appreciate how much effort goes into running and growing a business. There is a great interview with the founder Richard Peet below. One of Richard's previous ventures was running a nightclub appropriately called 'Coffee Club'. Surely a sign of things to come! Turn on English subtitles if you're having issues following.

Are you a Sweet & Coffee fan? Feel free to share your favorite go-to menu item in the comments below.  



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